Tune into Next-Gen Leaders with Marten Jagers.
Marten is the CEO of #stratapp.
Tune into Next-Gen Leaders with Marten Jagers.
Marten is the CEO of #stratapp.
Mentors & Masters Podcast – Captain Hoff interviews Brent Keltner, CEO of Winalytics and author of “The Revenue Acceleration Playbook: Creating an Authentic Buyer Journey Across Sales, Marketing.”
Professor Chen, a prominent Chinese-American scientist, was unjustly charged under the China Initiative. What next?
Read Mike Lander’s article Lessons Learned Negotiating with Hollywood Sharks.
Here are a few of the insights that came out of the interview:
Tune into Greg Voisen’s podcast Inside Personal Growth and find out how technology is shaping our future.
Listen in on “The Adaptive Executive” where they share stories from leading executives and discuss how to keep yourself and your organization adaptive and your employees engaged. In this episode, Greg Ballard and I discuss applying the mindset of being both adaptive as an executive and being innovative at the same time when working though organizational development processes and opportunities. Also hear why asking great questions can really have an impact on your team and the innovation in your organization. Check out the episode now!
You can find the podcast on:
Learn how to build and leverage your author platform and repurpose your content, creating multiple revenue streams with your core message.
Tune into The BizOwner360 Podcast with Brett Trainor and find out why most bootstrapped businesses get stuck.
If there’s a perfect time to start a business, it’s in this new normal when everyone’s set on an almost equal footing with everything else going digital.
What are the best techniques for founders to come up with breakthrough ideas?
Listen to The Bacon Podcast with Brian Basilico.
Brian Basilico’s podcast shows you how to bring home the bacon by building your business. Brian offers up a healthy serving of interviews with experts, authors, coaches, strategists, and practitioners (many who have made millions with internet marketing). Start making more Bacon in your business with these proven and sizzling hot tips and techniques!
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