How do I find an investor to fund turning my idea into a patent?


I have submitted a patent idea to a company, and they need $1,200 to do the patent search, design, and study group before looking for a buyer.  I have no money available, as I have just started a new job.  I would like to know if there any investors that would be willing to take a chance with me, or if you have any help for me to move forward.  Thank you very much.


Naomi Kokubo

Naomi Kokubo

by Naomi Kokubo, Cofounder of Founders Space

This is a good question, and I’ll do my best to answer it.  First of all, your idea probably isn’t worth anything until you are granted the actual patent, and that takes years and usually costs thousands of dollars for the legal work (unless you can do it yourself).

Any company that is promising to sell your idea for $1,200 is probably a scam.  Very few individuals or corporations will buy an idea, provisional or pending patent, and if they do, it’s usually not for a lot of money. Most individuals and companies buy patents once they are granted.  That’s when they become valuable.

Before you spend $1,200 to have this company do the patent search, design, and study group, please do  your homework on them.  Check references.  Find out exactly how many patents they’ve sold, for what amount, and how the entire process works.  Also find out what additional money you’ll need to spend and what happens if your patent idea does not sell.

You can file a provisional patent on your own for less than $1,200, and this gives you a year to file an actual patent.  Again, I wouldn’t waste my money and time unless you’re prepared to go all the way, and that’s expensive.

On another note, it’s hard to find people who are willing to invest in patents.  Most investors are looking to invest in startups that have a much larger upside than an individual patent.  Unless you have a very unique discovery that will have a huge impact on a large industry, the chance of finding an investor or buyer for your idea is slim.

If you want help connecting with investors and getting feedback, I recommend coming to one of our Founders Roundtables.  We’ll connect you with other entrepreneurs, who are going through the same thing, as well as lawyers and investors, who can provide valuable advice.

I hope what I wrote above helps a little!


  1. Dena Crapps

    I have an idea that is currently in a patent pending process. I have spent all the funds that I can spend on attorney fees for now. This idea would create a very profitable business. Looking for investors to sign NDA

  2. SWAN

    Hello my name SWAN I came up with n idea that will save lives and it will make millions…I am disable and don’t have the funds to to move forward. If any one would like to help please contact me at ihaveagodheisgood@gmail. Thank u

  3. Roy Abuan

    I have a great idea i know that i have confident with it what i need is a investor that all know philippines that full of valluable stones

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    I have the perfect idea for the automotive business i believe this could make millions. If you are interested just email me at [email protected]

  5. Lama

    I have an idea that needs investor who Is an electricity engineer it can make millions of $$$ world wide

  6. Beatrice Winnberg

    I have a land along the beach which I want to turn into tourist attraction. It is on the Island called Likoma, Malawi a country in Southern Africa. It already attraction place in small scales. But it is growing. There is famous Kayak Maya loge. I have no money to developed the place I need someone who is willing to invest in me. Together you and can be partners. I am a Swedish citizen original comes from Malawi. Africa is future for business and tourist is going to be African businesses. If you want to know more write me.

  7. lydiadelapaz

    Looking for an invester that’s Hispanic nd is willing to help us patents our machines

  8. lydia

    Hi my name is Lydia my husband invented a machine to make what we PR nd other country’s call sofrito nd pasteles the sofrito consists of all kind s of things like onion garlic cilantro cilantro green yellow red orange peppers we put them in to the machine nd it grinds it to make sofrito we use it to make all kids of foods nd meats also we make pasteles we put green bananas yautia plantains pumking into the machine nd grind it its fast nd u cut the time of making these things in half my machines r stainless steal pots nd blades there r some made in Milwaukee Wisconsin but u CNT not take them apart to clean ours u can our machines have been sold as of today all over Milwaukee restaurants nd homes in Tennessee Washington Puerto Rico but we r here in the northwest Miami nd already have sold some but we really would like to see it go viral nd we would like to see it pantented by us please if there’s someone Hispanic out there that can relay to our machines nd is willing to help us we have no money to start the arangements so if there’s someone Hispanic out here that can help us it will be greatly appreciated thank u inbox me or email us

  9. blash momeny

    I have designed a Wine Rack from a Wine Barrel.
    There are at least 8,853 different design Wine Racks are made in the World,
    None as Unique, Simple, Nice, Functional, Flexible, Natural, Amusing and Decorative than my “WinRaq”. Many different and specific uses may include:

    * To be used to display certain brand of wines inside Retail Stores.
    * To be given or to be sold to Wine Purchasers in direct Winery sales.
    * To be used inside clubs, bars and restaurants.
    * To be sold in stores to be used in homes.
    I need help to get it off the ground.
    Thank you, Blash Momeny, Ph.D.
    (949) 922-9584

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  13. Rosemary

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  14. Katherin Rojas

    I am currently looking for an ivestor for an idea I have that is not made yet and it can bring million dollars world wide. Regarding health and exercise.

  15. Marvie

    I have an interesting air freshener name & shape(s) concepts;air fresheners consist of a small, scented piece of cardboard with an elastic string in rough prototypes phase. I’m seeking serious financial partner & team to carry concept to markets end. Thanks for your time!

    Contact me at [email protected]

  16. Joe morales

    Need investor to get idea off ground, it’s been researched n qualified for world wide patent which is way out of my reach so I would like to reach for the one closest to me. That’s where investor comes in for a great part of royalties, my idea has been thru 33point risk factor evaluation n scored high numbers, estimated to sell in the millions range. Thank you for your time!!

  17. mostafa

    Hello . i have tons of greats ideas but money is the problem , my skype is charged_wing email is [email protected]

    1-4D , 5D Hologram with IR control
    2-machine generate electricity without need for any kind of power source
    3- mini robot works as a dentist inside the patient mouth and for sure the dentist will control it by ipad or smart phone or pc
    4- flying suit like iron man powered by that device i talked about up there number 2
    5-some 🙁 weapons suit and more powered with the same device number 2
    6-a great idea to kill HIV at early stage

  18. Deiago

    Hello. I am trying to start up my own company. The best part is that I have everything else taking care of except I am short 5 thousand. I would like to someone to contact me and I can explain more about what i am trying to do with my team and also promise that I can return the money within a month with interest.

  19. william

    We need money for our start up that it!

  20. Carl Smith

    I have a portable stereo/sub woofer Idea that I came up with in 1997 and no one has figured this out yet it could change everything about sub wooer boxes.Yes this is a simple modification that eliminates speaker vibration.I had built one in 1997 but disassembled it so that no one would steal the idea.I did write my idea on paper and mailed to myself but I know that is worthless.I work for a living so I do not have any funds for a patent or lawyer and these patent kit companies want as much to help as either of them cost.I would be willing to sell the idea but don’t want to get cheated out of it.An investor would help a lot in getting a patent or provisional patent.As soon as I can get some protection on this idea I do plan on selling out.Building another prototype would be very easy to do that is not a problem.I just need help getting this started and it will sell it’s self.Thank you for any help that you could give.

  21. Anthony

    Hi my name is Anthony. I need an investor to the tune of 10,000 I submitted an idea patten to a reliable,topnotch company by the name of idea buyer.they have been quoted as saying “the idea is a home run.” By Eric Corl the founder and CEO of the company. They all love it and so will my investor get I contact with me on my email

  22. Esperance

    Designing Messaging Android
    The messenger is a general difference with other servers is the ability to translate text message will be instantly certified.

    In this way people around the world who have mastered the language can communicate.
    In addition, this software is useful for language learning. The original language of the message and translate it into a place to be displayed on your phone ./
    Finally, to complement and add multiple languages ​​to the software world it can be

  23. Esperance

    Please if you want to hear about my idea to get in touch with me.

  24. Tutsi

    Hie I’m looking for an investor to invest in my money lending me at [email protected] to know more on how it works trust me alot of profit is acquired..just give me a chance maybe you will be interested. Looking forward to any investors email

  25. Rhonda

    Hi I have a baby invention and I have done my homework and it is a very needed product. I’ve even been ask to come on the Shark Tank Show with it for two seasons but I don’t have the money for the prototype and the patent. We can make allot of money with this. but just don’t have the money to get it started.

    Please email me only if your serious and would like to be a partner.
    [email protected]

  26. hayward johnson

    I need a investor for a wonderful idea but I don’t have no money .it’s for dogs that will keep the dogs cool and dry .I receive a SSA check thank u so much to take the time out to read this a lot of patent company say I have something wonderful and in there range of a million dollars and more the company that they can’t help me which the money to start it off .so please help me and God bless u

  27. hayward johnson

    I need a investor for a wonderful idea but I don’t have no money

  28. Ken Paolini

    I have patented product and need help from investors. It’s a multi purpose yard tool. I have hand out some prototypes and was told that I should manufacturer this product but have know more funds.

  29. bob angelo

    Need help funding an idea about christmas,my idea is loved by the people involed in the patent prosess.Please e-mail me about details.

  30. Appiagyei Mercy

    hi, am a level 300 student at a University I wont disclose now. the school has a big peace of land which wuld be useful if a creche was bult there. am a mother of three and the youngest is barely 6 months, believe me its a problem for we the mothers to find a place to keep our kids till lectures are over.

    its an idea which will be profitable for any investor. because the most expensive school you can find in Ghana is creche. since we do not use nannies here the best obtion for all working mothers the creche.
    Thank you,

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