Richard Komaiko

Richard Komaiko


Richard Komaiko is the CEO of The Lawyer Market, the world’s first online marketplace for legal services.

Before launching The Lawyer Market, Richard worked as a summer associate at a top 50 global law firm, and worked for one year as a research fellow at the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, a government think-tank in Washington, D.C.

Richard has published articles on law, economics, and game theoretic strategy in both the popular and academic press.  Richard has also authored a peer reviewed book on the history, sociology, and economics of the legal profession in the People’s Republic of China.  Richard holds a B.A. in economics and Chinese, and is currently two thirds of the way through a JD program.

About The Lawyer Market

The Lawyer Market helps consumers shop around for lawyers by getting them custom price quotes from dozens of lawyers at once.  The Lawyer Market launched on March 19, and already more than 150 lawyers have joined the site and started offering price quotes.

The founders of The Lawyer Market have a longwinded, academic schpiel for why their website will save the legal profession, and they really like talking about it.  If you want the full version, or if you would like to learn more about the site, please feel free to email them.  The short version of the schpiel is this: (i) on average, consumers who use The Lawyer Market save 30-60% on their legal bills; and (ii) lower prices means higher demand, which means more work for lawyers, which means everyone wins!

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